
urban development

ReUrbA2 is a European regional organization focused on the re-development of urban areas, specifically within those under-the-radar cities. Although current projects (because of socialized funding) are located in the larger urban areas such as London and Rotterdam, there is an energy in devising methods and practices for re-inventing mining towns and whole city districts, for example. The website is quite successful in communicating how private and governmental funding, along with creative problem solving, can encourage development while preserving a city's soul. In some cases, reinventing latent atmosphere's of experience.

Moreover, ErasmusPC: “Let’s not talk about urban regeneration. Its too problem oriented and too physical. Let’s talk about urban development instead. This is about people, about stimulus, about coalitions and about future.” Scroll down to the bottom of the page and read through the various interviews from developers, scholars, and architects.

Both of these sites provide a more socialized, heterarchical method of development practices. Instead of developers' money making all the land use decisions, ideas and debate are incubated, spurring more creative and sustainable built fabric.

When one comes to think about it, is there a similar organization in the U.S.? The Congress for New Urbanism maybe? Ugh. We're screwed. Just look at how un-intelligently they're rebuilding New Orleans. Build, build, build. Fast, fast, fast. Pastiche, pastiche, pastiche. This was, above all else, a chance for real change in the way America deals with development. Instead, old architecture was copied, and towns are being "rebuilt" furiously without research into truly sustainable ways of living in swamp land, under sea level.