An article in today's New York Times discusses Andres Duaney's rebuttle to criticism of his Congress for New Urbanism, currently reaking havoc on the Gulf Coast. He seems to think the avante garde (or in his mind anyone that designs in a non-traditional style I might add) should only design "civic buildings" because there are no constraints. Are you kidding me, Andres? Maybe you and Prissy Alexander should get together and wrestle to see who really has the largest ego. ugh.
The quote was taken out of context, or it was a paraphrase. Duany Plater Zyberk has designed several developments in the modernist style. Duany himself was one of the founders of Architectonica, a firm that is famous for its dramatic modernist style (like the Atlantis Building that features prominently in the opening credits of "Miami Vice").
I've listened to Duany enough to know that he meant only that anti-urban, pedestrian-hostile designs should be restricted to civic buildings. If you don't belive me, check out his work in Aqua, Miami, Prospect, Colo., and Upper Rock District, Md.
Another thing I remembered... check out the cover of Duany's book, "The New Civic Art"
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