Estudio Teddy Cruz has been studying, documenting and projecting solutions on improving the situation along the border between San Diego and Tijuana for many years. I'd call his work high-design meets scavenger, where junk and the organic,
shanty-like (good pix in this article)building culture of the Mexican border country meet the world of the American avante garde. His solutions are rich with the chemistry of two cultures, a hybrid of architectural techniques, yet they also provoke a wonderful criticism of the politics of the border. Very relevant at this time.
A selection from the post over at

"“Living Rooms at the Border”, is a mixed-use high-density 14,000-square-foot plan built around an old church. It will be transformed into a community center–including an office for Casa Familiar in the attic. There will also be 12 housing units, a community garden, and a central market. The second, for senior housing and child care, is connected by an alleyway and includes a semi-public lobby, a restaurant counter, and small private living spaces."
I think the above quote is rather poignant here. Would this mix of uses be absurd in the U.S.?
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